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No matter how you've arrived at my website, the important thing is that you're here, and I'm grateful. If you are an attorney, supporter, or someone who can help, I implore you to review the entire site. Most importantly, the Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus. Honestly, it's a work of art, and I thank God for sending an Angel to assist me with the construction.
I can't articulate the struggles I've endured through this decade of wrongful imprisonment. I've lived in the most volatile environments, yet maintained "model inmate" behavior. I have work diligently on my case. I've battled the professional saboteurs, appointed by the courts, and never missed a deadline. This is the stage of the game that I've been fighting to reach. I happy that I'm here, but I'm petrified that it's a one-shot deal, and my access to information is extremely limited. I've been begging Judge Nye, in the U.S. District Court, for the district of Idaho, to appoint an attorney to assist with my briefing stage. No luck, because Kale D. Gans, with the Idaho State's Attorney, insists that I should only have "the minimum access necessary to file". I'm figuratively on my knees asking you to help me. I cannot compete with a team of attorneys, focused on saving the reputation of their colleagues, by any means. Just look at this, PLEASE. Everything you need, to defend me, is entailed in this site. All the legwork is done. I know that financial compensation will be required, but I pray that someone will do this because it's the right thing to do. I've been hearing, "...this is Idaho...." and "....that's just the way things are....", from jaded, broken attorneys that have conformed to this culture that's deemed us "Incarceration Nation". Maybe, we need to focus on the way things should be, instead of painting over the mold. Let me be clear, I'm NOT GUILTY, of any of the crimes for which I've been convicted. This case is an opportunity for you to make a real difference. Don't wait on the movie, another decade from now. Thank you for your time and consideration. My contact information is entailed, and Jpay is the fastest way to reach me.


I'm not going to write an autobiography nor entice you with a Tinder profile, but I do want to provide some background and insight into my philosophy regarding my current predicament.
I've walked a unique path, with which you may not agree or understand, but that doesn't mean it was wrong. Just different.
I claim Selma, AL and Nashville, TN, equally, as my hometowns. I grew up traveling between the two, and they both played major roles in my development as a young man. I'm a proud member of the Nashville Christian Eagle. I college surfed in Birmingham, Murfreesboro, and Knoxville, which lead to a career in fitness. I've worked for large gyms, small studios, and provided at-home services. I learned all aspects of the game, good and bad, and I was great at it.

I owe apologies, for many things, and disappointing a few specific clients is high on the list. I was and continue to be an exceptional trainer, and I hope to mend the scars on my reputation.
I acquired a travel bug at an early age, and have always worked to live. I rarely went on vacation, I just went, until it was time to move on. It's true that there's no place like home, but I've been fortunate enough to have lived in some amazing places, like Alaska, Cali, NYC, Montana, and many other beautiful places. I would go wherever the wind blew me, just soul searching and trying to figure out my purpose.  The journey became the destination, in 2008.
I've never been married, and I don't have any children, so it was easy. It was just Zenli and I, and we were happy sleeping in the Jeep, in a Penthouse, or under the stars, just living free, as an American, a boy and his dog.
Look, I know everyone stacks the deck when it comes to their past, so don't think I'm trying to sell you a story about me and the Zen-dog, traveling the countryside, saving orphans and puppies. There have been altruistic acts, a few dick-moves, some broken hearts, and I've had my broken as well. I struggled with alcohol, and I let it get the better of me, on occasion, but I haven't considered taking a drink, for over a decade (alcohol is plentiful in prison), so I feel like I'm winning that one. I've never set out with bad intentions, but unfortunately, good intentions don't prevent bad decisions. I like to have fun, and sometimes get a little rowdy, but I've never thrown the first punch, nor have I ever hurt anyone that wasn't trying to hurt me. So, what? My past doesn't define me, but it has helped mold me into the man I am today. I'm a better man than I ever would've been without this, but it doesn't excuse the means by which I entered this challenge.  I've remained focused on fighting my case. I've taken the necessary steps to get my case into Federal Court, because Idaho Court don't overrule other Idaho Courts.
I'm already a victim of the system, but I refuse to be a casualty of this horribly broken and audaciously corrupt machine.
My mission in Life relies on the belief that everything happens for a reason, and we are always exactly where we need to be, whether we understand or not. Without adversity, we cannot cultivate resilience. I'm right here, right now, to Begin the End of The Incarceration Nation.
I'm extremely grateful for everyone in my Life. I have an amazing support system, but we can't do this alone. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, in the Injustice System, so please help us make some NOISE. #FreeHardin
Please, review this website, and send a link to Idaho's Governor, Brad Little,  Also, send a link to Everyone you know. You cannot imagine how much it will help.  Thank you all.

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